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No.819058629 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Samantha volume 2, My Very Own Thread Edition

Enough people seemed to enjoy my 22 part long story of how I met and fell in love with my girl Sam, so I'm back to pick it up where I left off. I don't know if I even have any fans left after I ghosted you guys last night (super not cool of me, but in my defense I got drunk while writing and fell asleep). But I'm back to dispel the myth that OP never delivers - OP does occasionally sometimes deliver, but only on his own good goddamn time. For those who missed volume 1, see pic related, it's all there typos and errors included, in everyone's favorite format to hate, textpic because fuck you. If you haven't read it yet you should catch up before reading volume 2 or you'll be a little lost. If reading a pic doesn't work for you, you can dig through the archived threads instead (https://thebarchive.com/b/thread/818907315#818908319 and https://thebarchive.com/b/thread/818931662#818933146).

Also be advised that this is primarily a young love story - the juicy sexy action bits are just a few cherries and sprinkles on top. If you want all action no plot then this is definitely not the story for you, sorry - don't even skip to the good parts, please just go away. Another warning - this story is straight but if you're homophobic then you might not like certain tiny parts of it, fair warning. Anyway, onward to copypasta what I got written so far (this is fun, there might be more still some other time...) Sorry the formatting and breaks will be terrible because I didn't write this thinking 2000 characters at a time, hopefully it's readable enough. Also willing to open it up to an ask me anything Q&A afterwards if anyone has any questions. Just be patient with me as I copypaste this all in here...