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Azumanga has fallen

No.919540113 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Azumanga has truly fallen victim to the zoomer pandemic, with it blowing up on TikTok and instagram reels like never before. Now I can’t say I like azumanga and I’ve liked azumanga since ‘02, without being called a newgen TikTok kid.
Do they not understand that we’ve been shitposting azumanga material since before they were born? Truly sad desu
Makes me long for the 04-09 days of 4chan and /a/

No.919537382 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I become a Polish citizen?
1 post and 1 image omitted

No.919538485 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I believe in America. You should believe in America too.
2 posts omitted

This is the lord of the MAGAs

No.919537485 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fucking kek
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Random Images Only

No.919539142 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Random Images
Masters of Magic Edition
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No.919539658 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What’s the last message you received? And who was it from?

No.919535256 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
148 posts and 146 images omitted

No.919533652 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So halfpint420 left me for this old liberal vaxxed hippie. Apparently she was cheating on me the whole time with him. She left me for him because he can take care of her.
The hippie told me to stay away from her or else. What does he mean by that?
What should I do /b? She cucked me and she feel in love with him. She also blocked me on snapchat and her other media accounts except for discord
It sucks getting cucked and cheated on especially when the other guy is twice her age and has a cock twice the size of mine. He is full 8 inches while I am a modest 4 inches.
I thought hippies were cool and wouldn't have sex with a girl who has a boyfriend or in a serious relationship or steal a girl from a guy like me.
He fucked her many times with his big vaccinated cock and sent me pics and videos of it.
I hope Cheyenne comes back to me soon. I will wait until she hopefully gets bored of him.
What should I do /b?
Why does his cock have to be bigger than mine?????? WTF
Does it look like she loves him in the pics?
What can I do to get her back?
3 posts omitted

No.919539849 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me
>Big fan of Japanese dramas
>Especially like the ones from the early 2000's
>Watching this one show
>One-episode character is super fucking hot
>Early 20's
>Check the credits and search her name
>Don't find anything
>Search her face on pimeyes
>She's a former model/actress
>Guess her career didn't really work out.jpg
>Find out she's in her 40's now and has an AV (porno) that was released in 2017

I don't know haha I just wanted to share this story because I thought it was funny.