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No.827652361 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Taking AD(H)D medication as an adult?

I'm thinking of having my doctor prescribe me something like Ritalin because I can't seem to focus on anything anymore. I was given the opportunity for AD(H)D medication in my late-teens/early-twenties, but I turned it down for several reasons. One of them being it was offered to me during when Adderall abuses were starting to go up, and I didn't want to get involved in it. Another was also due to the recently-placed stigma around Ritalin - which came after doctors realised it was over-prescribed during the late-twentieth century, and they also felt it was a contributing factor to the meth epidemic at the time (Ritalin contains key ingredients for meth). And lastly, my only experiences with AD(H)D medications was Concerta, which only induced paranoia in me that severe enough that I had panic attacks in public, and curl into a ball on the ground and rocked myself forward (in front of people).

So I don't know. But I haven't been able to pay attention to any slight thing in the last few years, and its impacted my life enough that I had stop doing things because its made it impossible for me to function; such as quitting school, getting fired for constant mistakes, and even having to go on disability since. Hell, I'm probably going to completely forget about this thread after make it (like I always do).