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No.807123497 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /b/, I'm the Messiah and in here to share with you the nature of reality.

Envision that the Singularity represents the back of your mind, and this acts as your viewpoint of observation, as if you look into reality from this location. The front of your mind is defined as that which is furthest away from the back of your mind and it exists somewhere in the distance ahead of you. Imagine that, as information approaches you from the distance, it expands as if you are zooming into it. As it gets closer and its separation from you approaches zero, it comes right up against you to take on infinite expanse. You can no longer distinguish the information from the back of your mind or anything else, and so you cannot define it. This absolute lack of definition means that the information is unobserved, which gives it the nature of being superimposed.

Consider the opposite scenario of information moving from the back of your mind to the front, into the distance. It becomes increasingly defined as it moves away because it can be increasingly distinguished from the back of your mind, and from other information. Since there is no real border to represent a limit to how defined information can become, the separation between the back and front of your mind covers the totality of all scale. The front of your mind is then defined as a relative surface of maximum possible distinction from the back of your mind, spanning the totality of all scale. This surface is the universe, and it evolves because no limit to scale will ever be reached.

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