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No.712909416 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Confession Time...

okay /b/, confession time

>be me about 7 years ago, 14 years old
>horny perverted teenager
>go to family get-together with step mom's family
>spend most of the time with step mom's 7yo niece
>constantly get into tickle fights with her
>grab her all over every time
>raging boner for hours
>no adults suspect anything cause im "good with kids"
>follow her to the back seat of a car for some reason
>start another tickle fight
>stick my hand in the back of her jeans
>finger her for 5 seconds
>she yells
>immediately regret it
>be me today, 21 years old
>go to Thanksgiving dinner with step mom's family
>haven't seen her in about 5 years now
>she's now 14, grown up and hot af
>we don't really make eye contact
>she goes to sit at the dinner table
>only seat left is right next to me
>make awkward small talk for an hour
>people take pictures during dinner
>force myself not to laugh nervously
>want to apologize to her somehow, but would never dare bring it up

pic related, looks kinda like her 7 years ago

also, general confession thread