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No.704309709 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Guys, I need help.

>be me
>not a very attractive girl
>yes, girl. Not a trap. i have a vagina
>get first bf and start dating
>really cute guy already out of my league
>date for 2 months now
>never really hang out, and he's clearly not interested in me at all
>we have literally nothing in common so we dont do much together
>text alot, but never see each other face to face except once a week max. twice if im lucky
>we go to bowling ally because he loves bowling
>I hate bowling, i just want to be around him for once
>Really cute and sexy girl starts talking to him.
>she says her car is messed up, asks bf to fix it
>i tell bf to lets leave, im hungry.
>bf tells me he's not hungry.
>I get in my car, going to go home.
>he leaves his truck at bowling alley anf gets in hot girl's car, they ride off.

I came back home and have been crying all day. He won't answer my texts. What is he doing???