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No.724823462 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thread 76 of the ongoing 24 hour coverage of the DEEPERCUTz aka Marcel the maniac saga


>Guy wants to kill himself (We'll call him Deepercutz due to him uploading original murder to deepweb gore site Deepercutz)
>texts friend
>friend kind of worried but not really cuz guys a creeper weirdo
>Deepercutz says that he tried to smother himself with c02 via grill
>Grill causes indoor smoke alarm to go off
>says fuck it and kidnaps some kid and murders him instead for the luls
>Sends a screen shot of the kid to his buddy
>buddy makes thread on 4chan asking wat do
>Deepercutz uploads two videos to deepweb gore site Deepercutz
>Person on Deepercutz rats on killer
>Meanwhile friend is pussy footing around not calling the cops for 45 minutes
>Friend was arrested, Deepercutz goes on the run
>Deepercuts later starts new thread on /b/ showing bloodied shoes
>Has killed fat hairy woman
>ate her pizza
>wanted to wait to rape and kill her daughter
>is on the run again
>Nazi Police have taken down Deepercutz and Krautchan due to all the insanity
>Marcel on the run, police don't have any guns, and the pizza he ate gave him the runs.

Kid he killed had a stepfather whos part of a known biker gang called Banditoes
They are out for blood looking to draw and quarter Deepercutz
The sick fuck himself just made another thread showing he is still alive and on the run
German Police are really bad at police

>Manifesto on pastebin (may be fake, take with a grain of salt) Pasrebin dot com slash KWXkSuJx

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